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You Can Live Secure In God's Love

Judith Bourne

Our God is the God who does miracles and wonders. The One who intervenes and overrules the natural calamities of life with His supernatural power and wisdom.

Nothing shall be impossible for our God!

Our Lord Jesus showed this when He intervened into the downstream of humanity, declaring the Kingdom of God had come. He healed the sick, set people free from bondage, and raised the dead.

In July 2020, I was booked into Mitcham Private Hospital for throat surgery. The last thing I remember was waiting on a trolley before surgery. When I woke up, I was in Box Hill ICU, mid-afternoon, feeling in a disembodied state but aware of my circumstances.

The anaesthetist later explained my blood pressure had dropped critically three times, and the third time I went into cardiac arrest. The medical team stopped the surgery, administered CPR for several minutes, and brought me back. My husband, Graeme, and son, James, were taken into the theatre post-surgery. Both said I looked completely lifeless, with only the monitor reassuring them I wasn’t.

It was quite a shock for them!

Nearly four years have passed, and I know without a doubt the Lord intervened and spared my life to complete the course He set for me.

I share my experience to encourage you: our lives are secure in His care. No matter the circumstances, He is vitally involved with us to walk and work with us, including our families. While God took care of me, He also cared for Graeme through James, Pastor Peter, and a Christian receptionist who was on duty that morning.

God is the author and finisher of our faith, so be encouraged. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will fulfill His promise and His purpose.