Rapid Fire
  1. What fictional world or place would you like to visit?
    Genovia (from Princess Diaries)

  2. What would your superpower be and why?
    I’d love the superpower of being in multiple places at once… enabling me to be doing more things and completing my ‘to do’ lists faster! Imagine how wonderful it would be to load the washing machine… whilst simultaneously hanging the last load on the line.

  3. Favourite pizza topping:
    Sausage - especially the La Porchetta original. I first had it in LA in 1989 and have loved it ever since!

  4. You have to sing karaoke. What song do you pick?
    Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast

  5. What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
    Hokey-Pokey (or anything with honeycomb!)

  6. Favourite band/musician growing up:
    I loved David Meece’s music growing up, and even had the honour of working with him during his Australian tours.

  7. What would the title of your autobiography be?
    I’m sure my son, Jordan, would love to be answering this one. But I’d title it “The Family Table; it’s not what’s on the table that counts, it’s who's around it”.

  8. If you could learn one new personal skill, what would it be?
    I’d love to be tech-savvy! (like the rest of my family…)

  9. Cook at home or takeaway?
    Takeaway everytime!

  10. What’s one crazy thing you’ve done as a mother?
    Can I list two??

    I woke up my kids at 1am to drive them to the airport to meet the Australian Cricket Team when they returned after winning the World Cup in 1999.

    I lined up for four hours so my girls could see the stars of High School Musical at the red carpet premiere in 2008. There were thousands of screaming fans and I was even pushed to the ground by another mother who wanted to take my place.
The Deep-End

What book of the Bible has influenced your life the most and why? 

I’ve never faced something in life which hasn’t somehow been covered in Psalms. Psalm 37, especially, has been my life scripture and ‘go-to’ scripture. It reminds me that it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing; if I stay focused on delighting in the Lord and doing what He’s told me to do, I will prosper.


Name a moment where you experienced God's favour in an extraordinary way. 

There are so many…it’s very hard to pick.

However, the moment when I met Prince Harry will always stand out to me because of how it involved Angelic intervention, it involved Prince Harry leaving his pre-prepared path, and was a direct result of my daughter, Brooke, having prayed for years that I’d meet one of Diana’s sons.

If you haven’t heard the story…

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were coming to Australia in 2018 (when they were still royal). They’d announced that you could line up outside Government House to see them. We arrived at the time they’d said the area would open, and discovered they’d actually opened it hours earlier and there were already thousands of people lining the drive. We found a place on the fence down the start of the drive, however I felt a real check in my Spirit and felt God say to go up the very top (right near Government House). This didn’t make sense because it was the busiest area and there were no spots near the fence. But we obeyed God. I repeat, we obeyed God!

MIRACLE #1: We walked up to the top and suddenly a lady called us over. She had an amazing spot right on the fence. She told us to take her spot…and then she left! We were rather stunned and took her spot (much to the amazement of everyone around). We turned to thank her…and she was gone. I really believe she was an Angel!

MIRACLE #2: There was a traffic incident in the city and it meant Harry and Meghan were over an hour late to Government House. Because they still had a full day of appearances, they were trying to ‘make up time’. Therefore rather than parking at the bottom of the drive and walking up, they drove the first ¾ of the drive and only walked and met people at the very top. If we’d taken the initial spot we’d seen at the bottom, we simply would’ve seen a car drive past.

MIRACLE #3: The Royal family has a strict rule that one member of the family will walk on each side of the path; enabling everyone lined up to meet one of them. When they got out of the car, Meghan came to our side. I was disappointed because I’d really hoped to meet Harry. However, I was still grateful and amazed at what God had already done for us. Suddenly, when Harry was only a few feet away, he switched sides. The security team had a fit and were running around trying to see what was happening. Meghan continued walking on her side and shook our hands. Now Harry had arrived to our side, so Meghan left and switched sides with him. Then Harry stood in front of our group and shook our hands whilst asking where everyone was from. He then, once again, switched sides and went back to his original side - sending Meghan back over to us. We were the only group in the entire area that met both Harry and Meghan! And I firmly believe it was God that had him change sides unexpectedly.

MIRACLE #4: It was an amazing memory for me, and I was excited to tell people what God had done. Then we discovered that the Herald Sun had photographers at the event - and they’d captured the exact moment of us meeting Harry! I now have an amazing photograph of Prince Harry holding my hands whilst chatting to our group. So I can now tell the story of God’s favour…and then show the photo.

MIRACLE #5: Whilst in the car ride home, my daughter, Brooke, told me that she’d put in her Vision Book almost a decade earlier that I would one day meet one of Diana’s sons. She’d known that I’d almost met Diana multiple times, and so God put it on her heart to believe in the restoration of that dream for me.