Genesis 2:18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.”
Are you single and waiting for your soulmate, your person, your happily ever after?
We wholeheartedly believe that God has someone perfectly designed for you, and you are perfectly designed for them. Together, God has an incredible future for both of you to fulfil.
But what about the waiting season? What do you do in the meantime, before you meet them?
In this special seminar, Pastors Peter and Pastor Katelyn will share biblical principles on how to wait well, along with personal stories about why waiting well is worth it. They’ll also offer practical tips for navigating this journey.
The Bible says that two shall come together to become one. It does NOT say that two halves come together to make one.
You are NOT half a person while waiting for your spouse. God has an amazing plan and destiny for you to fulfil in this season, and waiting is part of that.
We pray that this evening brings you encouragement and support as you trust God in the waiting.
This is a FREE event
Age 15+
*We encourage parents to accompany teenagers