1) Favourite band growing up:

Three-way tie between The Beatles, DC Talk and PFR. 

2) Favourite pizza topping:

Pineapple... sorry, I'm one of "those people".

3) Best subject at school?


4) If you could meet any living person, who would it be?

Keith Moore.

5) Name something you CANNOT cook?

Sponge cake.

6) Are you an early bird OR a night owl?

I'm a mother and married to a shift worker, so I'm both. 

7) If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A roast with veggies.

8) Did you have an imaginary friend? If so, what was their name?

Yes, her name was Barley. Unfortunately, my brother couldn't pronounce his L's and called her Barney. Not so cool.

9) When you were a kid, what did you want to do 'when you grow up'?

Be a mum.

10) Favourite movie genre:


The Deep-End
When did you give your heart to Jesus?

I grew up in church, so I don't know when I made my decision. But I do recall being about eight or nine and wanting to KNOW I was saved, so I went up the front in children's church so I could get a notecard recording the day I chose Jesus, then stuck it on the inside cover of my Bible.

Name a moment where you experienced God's favour in an extraordinary way

A few months after our two incomes reduced to one due to my eldest daughter's birth (before paid parental leave existed), my husband was given a huge, unexpected payrise which earned us more than our two incomes combined.