At Breakthrough we're a family, growing together through the highs and lows and working alongside each other to take God's breakthrough love to our community.
Whatever your story, there's always a place in this family for you!
We'd love to keep you updated, encourage your faith and help you to get know the Breakthrough Family!
Check out what's happening at Breakthrough.
We're so excited to have Jesse Duplantis returning to Breakthrough in 2025!
Jesse Duplantis is one of the most unique and beloved ministers of our generation. He shares his memorable mix of strong, biblical preaching and hilarious life lessons through his television program, meetings in churches and convention centres, books that have been translated in many languages, magazines, social media, and his many inspirational audio/visual teaching resources.
Easter is all about Good News—and we’d love for you to experience it with us at Breakthrough!
Whether you’re new to Church or just haven’t been in a while, this is the perfect time to come along. With uplifting music, an inspiring message, a Hot Cross Bun feast, and a fun Easter Egg Tiggy for the kids (featuring a special guest!), there’s something for everyone.
Check out the LIfe Groups that are currently running at Breakthrough and where you can plug in to family.
Team Breakthrough is an amazing, diverse community where we each bring our unique styles and gifts, so that together we can take God's breakthrough love to our community!
We know we're better together, so we'd love you to find the place where you can thrive in all that God made you for alongside the Breakthrough family!
Have a listen to the latest messages.
The Breakthrough family goes far beyond our four walls, and we love growing together with our online family from all around the world!
At Breakthrough, we love family!
Whether you're the very youngest Superkid, or a great-grandparent, we love connecting deeply, growing together and becoming the family God has made us to be!
Did you know you can officially become a part of the Breakthrough family?
This is the same as what would be previously called church membership. It's simply taking a step to formally say Breakthrough is my church, and I'm a part of the Breakthrough family.
If you haven't done that, you can do it right now! The whole process takes less than 30 minutes online, and next month you'll be presented with a partnership certificate in church!
The Bridge is all about connecting with our community, our city and our world so they can experience God's life-changing, breakthrough love and power!
We'd love you to explore more about what the Bridge is doing and how you can be involved.
Check out what God is doing through members of the Breakthrough family.
Caleb and his band are passionate about using music to take God's light beyond the four walls of the church, and shine light in the darkest corners.
Check out their latest releases and more about their music.
Confident Faith is a Christian apologetics and evangelism ministry, founded by Cam and Katelyn Grant, with a passion to encourage Christian believers to develop a more confident faith; to not only know what Christianity is all about but also why it is true.
Check out their excellent, engaging content and discover how you can support their ministry work.
Check out a few snaps of life in the Breakthrough family.